"People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing." (Dale Carnegie)

Forum Responses 710

EDU 710

What is the problem or topic, and what are the research questions, that guide this action research study? What procedures were used to conduct the study? Summarize the types of data that was collected. Email responses to your instructor.    

Cindy Lancie  

Week 2/10/10 

Effect of Technology on Enthusiasm for Learning Science 

In the above listed article the topic in the action plan was: Does using technology increase a students’ enthusiasm for learning science? The teacher was interested in finding out if using technology would increase the students’ enthusiasm for learning science both in the classroom and at home.

The middle school students were asked to explore the unit on oceanography. Then, they were asked to review the unit and list the subtopics they would be interested in learning about. From here the teacher was able to form learning groups based on their subtopic interests. At this point the teacher started incorporating technology into the classroom by introducing the software HyperStudio along with the computers she borrowed from other classrooms. This would be a six-week time frame for the students to work on a multimedia presentation on their subtopic in oceanography. During this time the teacher could collect data to see if using technology increased a students’ attitude for learning science.

The type of data that was collected was first done by doing a pre survey list of questions to see the attitudes for the students’ learning of science. The teacher collected the data from three sources: the students, parents of the students, and her own observations. Collecting data from three sources allowed for a triangulation of the findings in this study. At the end of the six weeks a post survey was done to see if the attitudes for the students’ learning of science had changed.

The results of the survey based on the collection of data from the students showed that there was an increase in the students’ attitude in learning in the classroom using technology;pre survey results showed 75% and post survey showed 96%. However, enthusiasm for learning outside the classroom dropped; pre survey results showed 49% and post survey showed 28%. Students commented in the post survey that due to the lack of availability of computers and software it diminished enthusiasm for learning science away from school.

The data results taken from the parent survey showed a different outcome. Parents showed no change on enthusiasm in the classroom. However, at home they showed a 20% increase. Of course,this is based on the interpretation of what a parent thinks is showing more enthusiasm. They could have been basing their answers on the fact that the student was talking about science at home.

Through the teacher’s observation and questions results showed the students preferred the method of instruction rather than the curriculum. Also, during two separate situations the students preferred to come to class and work on their presentations instead of being excused to attend other activities. This action research plan caused more students wanting to use technology to enhance their learning. Also, staff development training on the use of HyperStudio, allowing other teachers to incorporate technology in their subjects.

Session 3 - Exercise 1

Exercise 1: Working in teams of 2 to 3, use the on-line application bubbl.us or Microsoft Word to create a concept map of the characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research. Save your concept map as a digital image and email it to the instructor.