"People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing." (Dale Carnegie)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


What is podcasting? In my opinion, podcasting is an audio presentation/ recording that can include music. Usually, podcasting presents information on a specific topic by episodes. The podcast is converted into an Mp3 file, which is a format that can then be uploaded to a web page, blog, or iTunes and transferred to an iPod for easy access.

What is the difference between podcasts and vodcasts ? Vodcasts includes pictures, videos, or graphics that can change throughout the presentation. Some people like to refer to them as videocast instead. Another feature is a vodcast allows one to insert a direct link to a URL on the picture. This allows the viewer to stop and go to the link provided they are connected to the Internet.

Students could greatly benefit from podcast or vodcast when learning new content or reviewing content. Instructors can post lectures and it is easily accessible for students to upload to their iPods. In addition, when students create podcast they are extending their learning at the highest domain on the revised Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy. Student’s are actively learning and presenting to larger audiences and teachers don’t have to worry about privacy issues.

I would love to integrate podcast in my kindergarten curriculum. There are several ways I would use a podcast. Having students read their little books and record them so they could listen to their stories. I would use a vodcast by having students illustrate and write a story about their picture, then read the story and I would scan their illustration. Also, illustrate their favorite part of a story and talk about their illustration. We are starting a unit about the garden, it would be fun to take a picture of their plant and have them explain the process. I could do the same thing with ladybugs. The students will make a ladybug from paper and then they could tell what they learned. Math would be another use for a vodcast. The student could explain the math problem or make up a story problem using manipulatives.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Quantitative Research Design - Observational Studies

Powerpoint by Cindy Lancie, Erin Gardner, and Krista Robertson

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Filamentality Lesson Plan

A Hunt for Internet Safety

By: Erin Gardner, Cindy Lancie, and Krista Robertson

Friday, April 2, 2010

Cont.- Web Safety in the 21st Century

What are the essential elements that should be addressed by an effective classroom technology policy guide for the grade level that you teach?

When doing research for my action research project I came across this great table that shows a parallel between the ISTE Standards and the Piagetian cognitive development scale.

In case you want to
view the chart it is on page 31-32.

Moursund, D. (n.d.). Human and machine intelligence. In Computers in education
for talented and gifted students: A book for elementary and middle school
teachers (pp. (31-32)). Retrieved from http://uoregon.edu/%7emoursund/

What Internet safety issues should students and parents, at your grade level, be informed of?

The best Internet safety issues for my kindergarten parents would be to make sure there is a child’s browser assigned to their child to prevent the child getting on any inappropriate sites. However, with kindergarten age I would suggest that the parents join a
site like Kid Dot. This is a website that allows the parents to build a home page for their child with their favorite sites. This site also makes suggestions of sites that are age appropriate.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Web Safety in the 21st Century Classroom

Being a kindergarten teacher I decided that the best way to explain the Internet rules for my students would be to show you a video that I found online. Of course, first I needed to figure out how to add a URL link to the video. Once I thought I figured it out I found out that Blogger.com was experiencing technical difficulty. I became locked out of my blog and discovered I wasn’t alone when I went to report my error message. It’s been over two hours and I still can’t access my blog so I will cut and paste and try to finish the other parts of this assignment.

What technology skills should be acquired by students at the grade level that you teach?

Enjoy this video with McGruff and Techno Cat on Internet safety for the elementary age student!