"People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing." (Dale Carnegie)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Web Safety in the 21st Century Classroom

Being a kindergarten teacher I decided that the best way to explain the Internet rules for my students would be to show you a video that I found online. Of course, first I needed to figure out how to add a URL link to the video. Once I thought I figured it out I found out that Blogger.com was experiencing technical difficulty. I became locked out of my blog and discovered I wasn’t alone when I went to report my error message. It’s been over two hours and I still can’t access my blog so I will cut and paste and try to finish the other parts of this assignment.

What technology skills should be acquired by students at the grade level that you teach?

Enjoy this video with McGruff and Techno Cat on Internet safety for the elementary age student!

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