"People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing." (Dale Carnegie)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Cont.- Web Safety in the 21st Century

What are the essential elements that should be addressed by an effective classroom technology policy guide for the grade level that you teach?

When doing research for my action research project I came across this great table that shows a parallel between the ISTE Standards and the Piagetian cognitive development scale.

In case you want to
view the chart it is on page 31-32.

Moursund, D. (n.d.). Human and machine intelligence. In Computers in education
for talented and gifted students: A book for elementary and middle school
teachers (pp. (31-32)). Retrieved from http://uoregon.edu/%7emoursund/

What Internet safety issues should students and parents, at your grade level, be informed of?

The best Internet safety issues for my kindergarten parents would be to make sure there is a child’s browser assigned to their child to prevent the child getting on any inappropriate sites. However, with kindergarten age I would suggest that the parents join a
site like Kid Dot. This is a website that allows the parents to build a home page for their child with their favorite sites. This site also makes suggestions of sites that are age appropriate.

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